Google+ American Jewish Convert: Learn Hebrew 23 New Words in 23 Days

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Learn Hebrew 23 New Words in 23 Days

I am learning Hebrew in 23 days, retaining more words than I thought I would. Here's what I've learned so far:
  1. shavu'a means week
  2. shanah means year
  3. luach shana means calendar
  4. hayom means today
  5. etmol means yesterday
  6. machar means tomorrow
  7. sha'ah means hour
  8. dakah minutes minute
  9. sh'niyah means second
  10. sh'aon means clock
  11. besha'a means o'clock
  12. asah means do
  13. ba means come
  14. yachol means can
  15. hish'tamesh means use
  16. ra'a means see
  17. katan means small
  18. yefeyfe means beautiful
  19. rachok means far
    * I lost my groove here and now I need to think about it more
  20. tzachak means laugh
and there I go again, coming up short of 2 words, not as bad as last time.

I forgot:
  1. hechin means make. funny I forgot this because I have been using it in conversation.
  2. halach means go.
So my 23rd word will be mecho'ar which means ugly! Yofiiiii (great)!

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