Google+ American Jewish Convert: Learn Hebrew - Day 29

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Learn Hebrew - Day 29

I have arrived at day 29 of my learn Hebrew challenge. I am definitely surprised at how much I've remembered. Next step of course, is actually using the words. I am recognizing more words in speech though so mission accomplished!
  1. shavu'a means week
  2. shanah means year
  3. luach shanah means calendar
  4. hayom means today
  5. machar means tomorrow
  6. etmol means yesterday
  7. sha'a means hour
  8. sha'on means clock
  9. besha'a means o'clock
  10. asah means do
  11. ba means come
  12. hish'tamesh means use
  13. yachol means can
  14. hechin means make
  15. halach means go
  16. tzachak means laugh
  17. ra means bad
  18. ra'a mans see
  19. rachok means far
  20. katan means small
  21. kal means easy
  22. karov means near
  23. na'im meod means nice to meet you 
  24. yefeyfe means beautiful
  25. mecho'ar means ugly
  26. kashe means difficult
  27. dakah means minute
  28. sh'niyah means second
taaaada! I've done it! 29 Hebrew words in 29 days. I have verified spellings and meanings are correct.

my new phrase is: tsahara'im tovim which means Good Afternoon.

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