Google+ American Jewish Convert: Learn Hebrew - Positive Forward Motion

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Learn Hebrew - Positive Forward Motion

Learning Hebrew with positive forward motion! Here I am at day 11 and 10 new words I have learned.

Here's what I've learned:

  1. shavu'a means week
  2. shanah means year
  3. luach shana means calendar
  4. hayom means today
  5. etmol means yesterday
  6. machar means tomorrow
  7. sh'niyah means second
  8. dakah means minute
  9. sha'ah means hour
  10. (drawing a blank....) besha'a means o'clock!
I got it! I promise I didn't cheat myself. So I'm just going down HebrewPod's core word lists. 

Word of the day is sha'on which means clock. So far it's been a breeze, I snuck a peek at the coming words and I'll be getting into more verbs which is great, but I KNOW that will make things much harder. I only know a few verbs. However, I'm not sure how to translate those verbs into the proper tense....that's why I have my husband. He's a great study guide.

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