Google+ American Jewish Convert: Learn Hebrew Challenge - Getting Caught Up

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Learn Hebrew Challenge - Getting Caught Up

I started my learn Hebrew yesterday, 6 days into the New Year, but that's okay. I'm a quick learner and already know a lot of Hebrew.

Here's what I remember (not cheating) from yesterday's 6 words I chose:

  1. shavu'a which means week
  2. hayom which means today
  3. machar which means tomorrow
  4. etmol which means yesterday
  5. luach shanah which means calendar
  6. shanah which means year
I am pretty sure I got all the meanings right, but might have misspelled some. Now I will go check yesterday's post:

  1. Shavu'a means week
  2. Shanah means year
  3. Hayom means today
  4. Machar means tomorrow
  5. Etmol means yesterday
  6. Luach shana means calendar
 Looks like I got it, other than the extra h on luach shana....I wonder why no h on this 'shana'?

Ok so now my new word for today is sh'niyah which means second.

Tomorrow and going forward I will list all previous words that I remember, and hopefully by the end I can recite all 31 new words.

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