Google+ American Jewish Convert: Learn Hebrew - Still Catching Up

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Learn Hebrew - Still Catching Up

Still catching up today, but not too far behind my goal. I forgot what my word from yesterday means, it was halach I believe, but don't remember the meaning.

Here's what I remember:
  1. shavu'a means week
  2. shanah means year
  3. luach shanah means calendar
  4. etmol means yesterday
  5. machar means tomorrow
  6. hayom means today
  7. sha'ah means hour
  8. sh'niyah means second
  9. dakah means minute
  10. besha'a means o'clock
  11. sha'on means clock
  12. yachol means can
  13. hish'tamesh means use
  14. asah means do
  15. halach means......GO! another easy one missed
So halach means GO! and the new word for today is ba which means come.....ok this one HAS to be easy.

I say bo le po and boi le po all the time. Bo means come for male, boi means come for female.

Let's halacha into machar.

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