Google+ American Jewish Convert: Learn Hebrew - Shavu'a Echad

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Learn Hebrew - Shavu'a Echad

So now that I'm caught up...I'm feeling pretty good so far, but I'm not half way there yet. Just one week: shavu'a echad.

Here's a recap of the new Hebrew words I've learned:
  1. sh'niyah means second
  2. shanah means year
  3. luach shana means calendar
  4. machar means tomorrow
  5. etmol means yesterday
  6.  hayom means today
  7. shavu'a means week
So there's 7 words for the first 7 days of January, one week's worth of words (shavu'a echad). Being in Israel helped me string a lot of words together to form sentences, even if I only knew 1 or 2 verbs. (LOL)

I did have to double check whether or not the proper way of saying one week is echad shavu'a or shavu'a echad. I know my/mine (sheli) comes at the end of sentence, but I'm not sure of the rule to knowing that.

My new word is sha'ah which means hour. These related words will me start combining to form phrases and sentences, so I'll be doing more of that tomorrow!

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